
Friday, May 29, 2020

Red Kangaroos!

(Red Kangaroos )
(Information Web)

My task was to make an information web! I tried my best to make it and i hope you like it!

10 Kangaroo facts

This is a reading task about Red Kangaroos, There are 10 facts in this.
  1.  A kangaroos baby is called a Joey
  2. They have 2 stomach chambers
  3. They can jump 8 metres long
  4. They can jump 3 metres high
  5. There baby stays in their pouch for 3 months
  6. Kangaroos can jump in any direction except backwards
  7. Male Kangaroos fight for the females
  8. Male kangaroos don't have a pouch
  9. They live in the central part of Australia which in mainly is the desert
  10. They can reach speed of 35 miles an hour

Friday, May 22, 2020

Facts about Kiwi's

The Little Spotted                                                                                     Kiwi
“Why Read This Book?”
Well, Personally I wanted to learn more about Kiwis and I found out a lot of things that I didn't know about them. And that’s why I picked this book!
“Are they endangered?”
Actually, The little spotted kiwi is the smallest and the most endangered species.
“Where can you find it?”

Currently, The little spotted kiwi are only to be found on Hen island, Tiritiri Matangi and Red mercury in the Hauraki Gulf; on Long Island in Cook strait; and on Kapiti Island near Wellington. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to avoid Covid 19

Covid 19 has been really scary lately. So I decided to make a list of thing's to help avoid Covid 19!

1. Washing hands (Washing your hands is really important. You should at least wash your hands for 25 seconds or more or just sing happy birthday to yourself twice. Remember to use soap and water.
"But Samantha what will washing your hand's do?" That's a good question well if you have germs on your hands, when you wash them with soap the germs will go away. It's very important to wash your hands before you eat because the germs might go into your throat. Washing your hands is VERY important)

2. Keep 2 metre's apart/Stay in your bubble (You should stay 2 metre's apart from people cause they might have a sickness that they haven't realised yet! Staying 2 metre's apart will help stop spreading Covid 19)

3.  Washing food (After you go shopping it is a great idea to wash your food before eating it. People might have touched the food which could mean to Covid 19. So after shopping ALWAYS wash your food)

4.  Staying home (Staying home will help stop Covid 19 because if you don't go outside the virus can't spread. When you need to go shopping, I recommend going once a week.)

I hope this blog post helps some people. Stay tuned for my next blog post!

Monday, May 4, 2020

How to be busy during quarantine

Wow its so boring being stuck at home all day. Well here is a list of what you can do during quarantine.

1. Cooking/Baking (Cooking and baking is really fun. When you start thinking of the finish product, you stop thinking of the time. I do baking and cooking every second day and the time went REALLY fast)

2.  Learning how to play an instrument (Learning a instrument can be really hard but when you keep practising you will get the hang of it and be a professional its very time consuming which makes it perfect since we are stuck at home)

3. Writing books (When you write books you use your imagination and once you start you don't want to stop. When you don't know what to write about, I normally choose to write about my day so that's an option.) 

4. Stay in touch with friends (What I do is I go on my drive and make a new creation and share it with Heidi so we can talk to each other. Heidi and I make lots of things like animations, stories and even pictures! Since I don't have any siblings I like to stay in touch with friends and this is probably the best option for me.)

5.  Writing on your blog (When something exciting happens you can share it on your blog so people can see what adventure you did! Seeing comments on my blog really warms my heart
(Thanks Mrs. T, Nicole, Petra And Heidi)  Writing stuff on your blog is really fun and that's why I decided to write this :) )